Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 773 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 773 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

12.29.2014 10:25

One Piece 773  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 773 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 772 has been released now!!! Read it now!!! 

 One Piece 773 Spoilers:


---Spoliers End---

One Piece 772"Cabbage & Romeo" Summary:

At the Flower fields Kyros continues his fight with Diamante while refusing to allow his daughter to fight ever again.

At the third level, Sai checks on his grandfather while Baby 5 is more focused on her engagement. Meanwhile, Cavendish and Bartolomeo continue fighting against Gladius and his henchmen, but the two are less than capable of getting along with each other. Gladius blows up the area but the two are safe thanks to Bartolomeo's barriers. Robin has left her fight with Gladius to head off for Rebecca. After she escapes, Bartolomeo, happy to have been thanked by her, starts to mow down all the Donquixote members (and even Cavendish) with his ability.

Dellinger then finishes his fight with Ideo while revealing his fangs. He comes to help Gladius, but is told to stay back. Just then, Dellinger is cut down by Hakuba while Bartolomeo tries to figure what is happening.


What do you think about one piece chapter 772?


One Piece 772 Spoiler Trivia: Lao means “old” in Chinese (老). G is homophonic with jii (爺), which means “grandpa” or “old man” in Japanese. Effectively, Lao G’s name means “old grandpa” or “very old man”


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One Piece 773 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!



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