Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 746 spoilers[MH confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 746 spoilers[MH confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

04.23.2014 14:37

One Piece 746  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 746 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 745 has been released now!!! Read it now!!!   

One Piece 746  spoilers:

Doflamingo announces to the whole nation how there’s no way out, and no way to communicate the outside world.
You must bring me the heads of the bounties to end this game.
A father attacks his wife protecting their child. A man slashes his best friend. Marines shoot the civilians.
As chaos ensue, Fujitora uses his gravity power to press down the marines from attacking others.

Meanwhile, Robin, Barto, Rebecca, Kin-emon, tontattas, and the revolutionary trio gather around Usopp.
Barto is excited to see the legendary sogeking as he talks about the amazing feats in Enies Lobby.
Hack: I can’t believe this guy broke my arm…

The citizens of Doflamingo finally realize the truth of what happened 10 years ago.
Dofla tells announces the bounties for the 12 heads. Each star is worth a 100 million.

1 star: Franky, Viola, Kinemon, Rebecca
2 stars: Zoro, Kyros
3 stars: Luffy, King Riku, Law, Sabo
5 stars: God Usopp

Pirates turn around and rush to capture Usopp for the money.
Sabo leads the team to head to the surface, as Tontattas carry the injured Usopp.
Kin however, goes his own way and dives into a hole to look for Kanjuro.

There are some Dressrosa citizens that decides to go after the 12 bounties instead of facing 2000 Doflamingo family…
As the bounties are chased all over Dressrosa, Luffy communicates with Rebecca.
He tells her the one legged soldier (who immediately went his own way) is her father, as she had assumed.
But he tells her to hold off her tears, I couldn’t let you have the mera mera but I’ll beat up Doflamingo, so just stay alive and stick with his crew members. He promises he’ll end this “game”.

Law protests that going after Dofla is not the best course of action, the plan was to keep him alive so Kaidou goes after him.
If we take down Dofla here, Kaido’s wrath will be directed at us instead.
Luffy tells him none of that is important right now. LOOK at the state of this country, there’s no way we can stop right now.

Luffy carries Law (still cuffed) and Zoro as he dashes towards the palace, intending to jump off the cliff and head right to it.

End of chapter



One Piece chapter 745 Summary: 

The SMILE Factory is protected by the combined force of Trebol and Diamante from the ex-toys, while Robin and Usopp meet Sabo's group. Meanwhile, Zoro finds himself lost in the palace roof gardens while looking for Pica.


At the palace, the Doflamingo that was decapaitated turns out to be a puppet controlled by the real Doflamingo, who almost kills Kyros before Luffy saves him. After a brief fight with Luffy, the Shichibukai announces a new tragedy that will be more terrible that was unwillingly commited by King Riku. After Pica forces Luffy and his group out of the palace, the puppet Doflamingo unravels and transforms into a massive cage made of strings, preventing anyone from leaving Dressrosa. Law reveals to Luffy that Doflamingo plans to kill everyone before the truth of Doflamingo's treachery gets out. Everywhere on Dressrosa, the island inhabitants began to attack each other, while the Palace and the SMILE factory are lifted above the ground on top of the hills, Doflamingo then announces to the panicking public his ultimatum: kill the targets or die trying.








What do you think about one piece chapter 745? 

One Piece 745 Spoiler Trivia: Ironically, Law wanted poster shows Bepo appearing in the background with his head turned in the same position and stance as Usopp in Luffy’s poster.



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One Piece 746  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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