Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 727 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 727 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

10.30.2013 09:15

One Piece 727  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 727 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 726  has been released now!!! Read it now!!!  

One Piece 727 Chapter Spoiler Summary:

- Toy soldier gives the flashback about how Doflamingo took the throne 10 years ago.

- Dolfamingo kidnapped the ships that took tribute from countries to the Celestial Dragons and threatened the World Government to be part of the Shichibukai.

- He threatened King Riku for 10 billion Berries for Dressrosa. King Riku didn’t want a war. There’s no wars for last 800 years in Dressrosa so he accepted.

- Dressrosa soldiers went to the town to collect money.

- But suddenly King Riku started attacking people and set fire to buildings with tears, he was controlled by Doflamingo. Soldiers also started attacking people later.


- “The timing that hero shows up is when people have fears and hate King Riku.” Doflamingo said to Trébol, Diamante and Pica.

--- END ---

One Piece 726 "Riku Family" Chapter Summary: 

The last fighters from Block C are dumped in the pit full of toys with the other fighters. After some conversation, Ricky reveals himself to be Riku Dold III, the former king of Dressrosa and Rebecca's grandfather. Many of the fighters in the holding cell show their respect to the former king, and Doflamingo's role as an agitator and arms dealer in inter-kingdom conflict is discussed. Suddenly, a thread of goo from the ceiling snares Sai and drags him up a tunnel, where Trebol, by unseen means, turns him into a toy and releases him out into the public. 

Luffy tries to get a better view of the screen while discussing the dark nature of Dressrosa with the prisoner-gladiators, when all of a sudden he encounters Bartolomeo. 



In the flower fields, Gancho reveals to Usopp, Nico Robin and Franky the cruelty of the Donquixote Family from 800 years ago, and how the Dwarfs were slaved up until the rise of the Riku Family. The dwarfs all agree that Doflamingo's prescence is a terrible thing for the country, and that an incident framed King Dold as a villain so he is undeservedly hated by Dressrosa today. Finally, the Thunder Soldier reveals that, before he was a toy, he was Rebecca's father.

--- END ---

What do you think about one piece 726? 



One Piece 726 Spoiler Trivia: Like Strawberry, Chinjao’s elongated head is similar to Fukurokuju, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune in Japanese folklore who is often depicted with an abnormally high forehead.




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One Piece 727  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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