Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 685 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 685 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

10.10.2012 10:08

One Piece 685 Spoilers!!! One Piece 685 Prediction and Discussions!!! One Piece 684 has been released now!!!

One Piece 685 Spoiler Summary:




Halloween Colorspread!
Pumpkins & Ghosts everywhere (same ones Perona uses) and everyone wearing costumes and pumpkins.

One Piece Chapter 685: Momonosuke, is mine name!
(in old samurai styled speech)

Underground of Building C – Trashbin

Luffy kinda sorta remembers the name Momonosuke (as usual lol), but he’s more distracted by hunger, salivating at poor Momo.
Momo’s starving as well, he hasn’t had food in 10 days. Momo’s speech is that of high nobility.

He secretly boarded the ship full of sick children, but like his dad, stubbornly refused to be helped by anyone.
This kept him off the candies and snacks though.
Hungry, he wandered off into the Secret Room, and saw a Devil Fruit. He broke the container and ate it.
He befriends the little girl who came looking for him, but they are found by CC’s men.
Momonosuke turns into a small dragon! Confused, Momonosuke runs away.

According to the CC henchmen, the fruit he ate was a failed experiment example of an artificial Devil Fruit Vegapunk made!

Nami, Chopper, Robin, and Zoro stays behind, while Usopp, Brook, Kinemon goes off to find Momonosuke.

In SAD room…
A sigle pane of Smoker whopping Vergo’s ass.
Smoker is seen beating own Vergo with haki again.

In building B, as Shinokuni nearly reaches more marines, Sanji stays behind them to kick them all ahead.

In building B, the Biscuit Room, Nami is holding onto Chopper due to sheer coldness of Monet’s powers.
Monet apparently has the power of Snow-Snow fruit.

As Robin attemps to hold the crazed kids down from attacking Mocha, Monet flies behind him and stabs her with her rapier.
Zoro: She’s a Logia, I’ll handle her! You guys go hold down the kids!

Zoro vs “Snow Woman” (Yukionna) Monet

20 minutes left until Building B is completely filled with Shinokuni!

Another news for this arc

Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga
Apparently, the arcs included are:
Fishman Island
Punk Hazard
Wano Country
Whole Cake Island
If this is confirmed later then that means the super rookies ( worst gen) are going after big mum

One Piece 684 '' Stop it, Vegapunk '' Summary :


Smoker and Vergo begin their fight in the S.A.D. Room. At the same time, Sanji, Tashigi, and the G-5 Marines are running through the battle torn B Building when a gas tank explodes, causing Shinokuni to be let in.


Caesar Clown, sitting on the second floor of Building R with his subordinates (Vegapunk's old room), instructs that the doors to Buildings C and D be closed, driving everyone to the first floor of Building R where a trap is ready to expose them to Shinokuni. When one of Caesar's subordinates questions the nature of the gas, Caesar then makes a speech to his subordinates, saying that the poisonous gas bomb four years ago was Vegapunk's doing and that Caesar tried to stop him. However, in a flashback it is revealed that Caesar constructed the weapon himself, and when he was told to stop and banished from the science squad, he set it off.

While the gates to Buildings C and D are closed, Luffy meets a small Eastern dragon who can talk. 


One Piece 685 Spoiler Trivia: According to Oda, Chopper hasn’t gained a sexual interest in humans with the consumption of the Hito Hito no Mi, despite his other human traits.

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One Piece 685 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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