Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 674 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 674 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

07.04.2012 16:29

One Piece 674 Spoilers!!!One Piece 674 Prediction and Discussions!!! One Piece 673  has been released now!!!

One Piece 674 spoiler Summary :

第674 傍観者达  
扉絵 短期集中连载 人鱼の入江に响く悲鸣 

シーザーは何故连れ出した 子供たちが苦しんでると波とウソップに言う。 

『今日 轮が岛に招かれざる珍客达が迷い込んできた为この机会に実験を执り行う次第だ』
『国盗り 戦争 支配 用とは様々 気に行ってもらえたら取引をしようじゃないか。』 




One Piece 673 '' Vergo and Joker '' Summary :

At an island in the New World, the parents of the kidnapped children are begging the G-5 Marines to help search for their children, but the commanding officer, Commodore Yarisugi, harshly refused them aid and told them that the children died in an accident at sea but the parents refuse to believe such outlandish claims. Back at Punk Hazard, Nami and Usopp are having a hard time containing the children who have woken up from their sleep, until Caesar Clown shows up ready to take the children back to his lab. At the central lake, the slime creature changed its shape into that of an axolotl and attacked Zoro, Sanji, Brook, and Kinemon causing them to flee towards the research facility. At the facility, the G-5 marines are trying to blow up the door to rescue their captain. Meanwhile, Vergo and Monet are inside Caesar's research room with their captives, Luffy, Robin, and Franky as well as Smoker, Tashigi, and Law. Vergo states that everyone here will die and he will report their deaths as accidents. Trafalgar reveals that Joker is an alias of his one-time captain, Donquixote Doflamingo.




Candy,candy, candy. You guys look not cute anymore, kids. 


CC, the candy-father. Funny.

Yep, Zoro, where you are , where they go. It is even much more hard for them to find you than to find one piece.

Smiley, with sara sara fruit. Interesting.

Hoho, Doflamingo is the boss!!!!!

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One Piece 674  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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