Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 658 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

One Piece 658 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

02.16.2012 09:03

One Piece 658 spoilers!!! One Piece 658 Predictions and Discussions !!! One Piece 657 has been released now!!!




生首が モモの助って男子を知らぬかと聞くも怖がられる。
サンジは止めようとしたがナミは子供に泣いて助けてって言われたらもう背中向けられないじゃないっていって るので敵の追手を喰いとめる


掴まっていた部屋ではPH軍団が?????の?????の跡を調べる レーザーの技術は忌々しいベガパンク の???????しか持っていないはずだと 


上空では鳥人間が誰かと電伝虫で会話 相手は侵入者四人を仕留める所だと言う


ルフィゾロ達にはブルックからデンデンムシ ブルックの目の前には凄そうな建物 


鳥人間の相手はケンタウロス(下半身がヒョウで上半身は人間)もう一人仲間がいて、キリンの下半身に人間の 上半身 
二人はルフィとロビンによって撃破される 持っていたデンデンムシにはCCの文字






The children are delighted by a robot (Franky?)
The head asks if they know a boy named Momonosuke and is made afraid (?)
The children ask to be saved by the crew.


Sanji tries to stop her, but Nami says she can’t turn her back on crying children and wants to stay behind to fight the pursuers.
Franky and Sanji stay behind to fight.


In the room where the crew was held, the PH forces take a look at the after effects of Franky’s laser. It seems that only the Pacifistas of that annoying Vegapunk are expected to have this laser technology.


High in the sky a birdperson is talking on a Den den mushi. The four invaders are being taken down.


Luffy’s group gets a call from Brook. Before Brook’s eyes stands an amazing-looking building.


The bird person’s companions are both centaur-like. One has the lower half of a leopard and the torso of a human; the other has the lower half of a giraffe and the torso of a human.


The two are crushed by Luffy and Robin. The den den mushi they had has “CC” written on it.


According to the conversation of Smoker (and his people), two years ago Punk Hazard was just a “normal, stinkin’ island.” But Akainu and Aokiji’s fight changed the weather.








-----------------------------------------I'm Moving ---------------


3/1よりルフィ用DLCコスチューム 武者ver(甲冑を着た姿)

3/8よりナミ用DLcコスチューム 着物ver(花魁風でエロい)

新連載 パジャマな彼女 一ページ目よりパジャマ姿パンチラ確認


笠持って寝そべってる奴 胸元全開の着物

-not sure if t is talking about the chapter

-------------------------- I'm Moving ---------------------------------------------

Trivia: Despite his utter disgust at the World Nobles, his actions (such as forcing people to be his slaves and believing his power allows him to do what ever he wants, and how he views himself born superior) ironically make him the same as them.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.

--------------------------------I'm moving---------One Piece 658----------------

One Piece 658  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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