Spoilers & News > Naruto Spoilers > Naruto 671 spoilers[MH confirmed]][Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 671 spoilers[MH confirmed]][Predictions & Discussions]

03.26.2014 14:45

Naruto 671 spoilers!!! NARUTO 671 Predictions&Discussions!!! 


Naruto 670 has been released now!!! Enjoy the new chapter!

Naruto 671 spoilers:

Sop6 : I can sense the Asura’s Chakra from inside of you”
Sop6 : (it could be…)”
Sop6 : You must’ve felt the younger brother’s Chakra inside of you before, right?”
Sop6 : It was as i suspected, Then you must know who reincarnated into his brother Indra, don’t you?”
Naruto :…

---Spoilers End---


Naruto 670 Chapter Summery:

Opening his eyes, Naruto is greeted by an unfamiliar person floating above him. Initially believing that he was dead, Naruto soon becomes preoccupied with leaving in order to re-enter the battle. Adding further to his confusion, the young man is unable to comprehend what the stranger is trying to say to him. As a result the latter constantly changes his dialect before finally speaking in a manner that Naruto can understand. With this, the elder reveals himself as none other than the Sage of the Six Paths: Hagoromo ōtsutsuki. Awed but still confused, Naruto listens intently as the Sage regaled the story of how his mother Kaguya had consumed the fruit of the Shinju, how he and his brother had fought the beast to redeem their mother, and how he eventually split up that power. He went on to tell Naruto of how he came to father two children of his own: his first born Indra who was hailed as a solitary genius, and Asura who was initially discarded as no good. Because of this Asura came to rely upon the power of cooperation from others to achieve anything before finally coming into his own power through grueling hard work. Reconciling with his youngest son's ideals, the Sage left Asura to inherit the world to make it a better place. The Sage explained that like himself, his sons' chakra had transmigrated through time and had constantly been reincarnated into new hosts — most recently with Asura inhabiting Naruto.

What do you think about  naruto chapter 670?  


Naruto 670 Spoiler Trivia:Masashi Kishimoto stated in an interview with the U.S. Shonen Jump that his childhood was like that of Naruto’s years while he was enrolled in the Academy

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Naruto 672 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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