Spoilers & News > Naruto Spoilers > Naruto 637 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 637 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

06.26.2013 16:55

Naruto 637 spoilers!!! NARUTO 637 Predictions&Discussions!!! 


Naruto 636 has been released now!!! Read it on MangaHere.com!

Read Naruto 636 here: http://www.mangahere.com/manga/naruto/v63/c636/
Naruto 637 Spoiler Summary: 

マダラはオビトは俺を蘇らす為に手懐けておいた呼び出 今こそ返してもらうと言う。
柱間が十尾の上のオビトに気付く ナルト達にそいつの術を止める様命令する。サスケは先に向か う 
みるみる老けて行くオビト サスケはオビトの近くまで行きアオダを消す。スサノオで攻撃するも黒い棒ではじ かれる
瞬身の術で????に飛んでくるミナト ????を切る 切った後にオビトと気付く。オビトの体には以前戦 った時のマーキングが付いておりそれにより4代目は飛べた。
避雷神のマーキングは決して消えないとの事を教えて居なかったミナト。生きていたなら火影に成ってほしかっ たとも言う。

--- END --- 
Naruto 636 Summary: 

Asking Obito if he hadn't had enough of their genjutsu battle, Kakashi and Obito form the seal of confrontation as they begin their real battle.

They start to think back to their childhood days as young ninja, when they fought under the instructions of their sensei. Kakashi remembers the "old Obito", who was just like Naruto, and resolves that to protect Naruto and the old Obito, he will have to defeat the current one. As both men deliver final blows, Kakashi impales Obito directly through his chest with a lightning-infused kunai, leaving Obito heavily wounded, while Obito stabs Kakashi in the side with one of his black rods. Obito, unwilling to give up as well, states that defeating him will not gain any advantage to winning the war. As Kakashi observes, Obito warps back to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Madara impales Hashirama's wood clone, and notes that Hashirama was putting too much energy into restraining the Ten-Tails.

Though the clone disagrees, it is split in half before it can complete its statement. As Obito arrives on the battlefield, Madara decides that Obito had served his purpose to him and though he wanted to fight Hashirama before he became a jinchūriki, the situation could not be helped. Forming a seal which affects Obito whose right side begins to spike out black rods and turn black, Madara declares that it was time to revive him with the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique.

As this occurs, Obito remembers Rin once again before forming a seal of his own and letting out a cry which draws the attention of many on the battlefield.

Naruto 636 Kakashi and Obito
What do you think about  naruto chapter 636?  

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Naruto 637 Spoiler Trivia: In the pre-Shippūden games of the Clash of Ninja and Ultimate Ninja series, Kakashi can copy Sakura’s “Inner Sakura” technique using the Sharingan, allowing him to unleash his “Inner Kakashi” not seen in any other media.














Naruto 637 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!



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