Spoilers & News > Naruto Spoilers > Naruto 581 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

Naruto 581 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

03.27.2012 16:27

Naruto 581 spoilers!!!  Naruto 581  Predictions&Discussions!!!   Naruto 580  has been released now!!!

Naruto 581 Spoilers Summaries:



イタチ『すでに仕込みは整った   奴の運命を握る究極の瞳術???イザナミだ』
イザナギが運命を変える術なら イザナミは運命を決める術

イタチ『サスケ オレから離れるな』 


Sasuke wants to hear the truth from Itachi.
Itachi tells Sasuke to listen without drawing Kabuto’s attention.

Itachi tells Sasuke that the Uchiha have an ocular jutsu that doesn’t have to do with affecting the opponent’s senses.
Sasuke: “…Izanagi…? Danzou used that when I fought him.”
Itachi: “…You’ve lived well.”

The Uchiha have another forbidden jutsu to act as a counterpart to Izanagi.
Itachi: “The preparations have already been made. The ultimate ocular jutsu that will seize his destiny… Izanami.”
Izanagi is a jutsu that changes one’s fate, while Izanami is a jutsu that determines one’s fate.
Itachi and Kabuto clash.

Itachi: “Sasuke… Stay close to me.”



Naruto 580 Brothers' Time Summary:

       Kabuto creates wind vibrations that interrupt Sasuke and Itachi’s concentration, preventing them from tracking him. However, Itachi thinks he already knows where Kabuto’s going to strike, so he makes an impeccable guard. After some taunting, Itachi tells Sasuke to remember a plan they used a long time ago when they went out on a mission together. Sasuke puts the plan into action, but then Kabuto moves unexpectedly and stabs Itachi. Itachi’s body turns out to be a clone, and by the end of the chapter, things are back how they were when the chapter began.

Kabuto………..Dragon……..No,I think it more like snake. Look at his tail…snake snake snake ,It would’t be Dragon.

Sage Jutsu—Hakugeki   The jutsu is something more like Dragon than Kabuto himself.

Sasuke seems can not resist the jutsu, and Kabuto want to catch him first.The plan is perfect. But Itachi,Sasuke’s brother will never let it happen. This is what a brother always do.


The task of dealing with inoshishi. This time is the task of dealing with snake. The brothers finally work together again.



Well done! Sasuke!!




The bonds between brothers will never fade away!!!!!

 If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.  Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.


Naruto 581 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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