Spoilers & News > Naruto Spoilers > Naruto 577 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

Naruto 577 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]

02.29.2012 13:16

Naruto 577 spoilers!!! Naruto 577 Predictions&Discussions!!! Naruto 576 has been released now!!!

  Naruto 577  Spoilers Pictures:

 Naruto 577 Spoilers Summaries:

Naruto Chapter 577    Sword of Hatred

page 1-2. tsunave speaks with mavara, explaining about a hidden technique that only she can use.

page 3. madara notes she’s stronger than the raikage, but not stronger than himself

page 4. madara releases another fire jutsu.

page 5. the suikage and raikage attack madara along with tsunade.

page 6. tsunade breaks through madara’s barrier.\n7. mavara acknowleges her strength.

page 7-9. tsunape’s two former teammates talk about how there’s no way she can lose.

page 10. tsunade punches madara harp in the chest. taking out a huge chunk of him.

page 11. gaara seals madara inapyramipofsanp.

page 12. tsunade is pierced by a root.

page 13. madara user hashirama’s clone technique to escape. a technique that only mavara himself had never been able to avoid.

page 14. tsunade’s teammates argue about whether or not madara can be beaten, or whether it’s better to focus on the one controlling the edo tensei.

page 15. meanwhile, itachi tries to keep sasuke from following him.

page 16. itachi meets kabuto.

page 17. kabuto explains that even if he dies, the edo tensei will not stop. kabuto is the only one who can stop it, so he can’t be killed



The latest chapter end with madara calls tsunade a weak woman, and says that the weak are ugly and useless. so what happens next..? find out story on 


Naruto ナルトネタバレ 第577話 Spoiler




Trivia: The name “Tsunade” (綱手) means “mooring rope”, which is not dissimilar to her brothers name, Nawaki, which means “rope tree”. End of  Naruto 577  Spoiler


If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.


------------------------------- I'm moving Naruto 577------------------------------

  Naruto 577 Trivia: According to the Naruto databooks: Naruto's favourite foods are Ichiraku ramen and red bean soup. His least favourite are fresh vegetables. Naruto has completed 16 official missions in total: 7 D-rank, 1 C-rank, 2 B-rank, 6 A-rank, 0 S-rank.






Naruto 577 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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