Spoilers & News > Fairy Tail Spoilers > Fairy Tail 468 spoilers[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Fairy Tail 468 spoilers[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

01.07.2016 15:06

Fairy Tail 468 spoilers!!! Fairy Tail 468 Predictions and Discussions !!! Fairy Tail 467 has been released now!!

Fairy Tail 468 spoilers:


Aquarius' key was reborn in the world after 1 year.

Aquarius is Brandish's master

Aquarius: "I am your master, and my master is Lucy. Do you understand what it means?"

Brandish: "But my mother was killed, I can't forgive Lucy"

Aquarius: "Lucy isn't Layla",

then she says she'll show Brandish the truth

*The go into another dimension type place*

Aquarius: "This is Memory of the Stars, an archive of memories"

*They all become mermaids*

Aquarius shows them a memory from 400 years ago

"This is Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor"

She was a Celestial Mage.

Aquarius: "400 years ago, a black mage, a Dragon, and a celestial mage set a plan in motion"

The "Black Mage" is Zeref. The Celestial Mage is Anna.

They made a plan in case Acnologia gets defeated...

Eclipse Gate is a time machine made using celestial magic, one of a kind

Heartfilia family has guarded Eclipse for generations

To operate it, you need one mage on the entrance and one on the exit

Next, she then shows the how Grammy died. Zoldeo was the one who stabbed her and killed her.

Brandish is crying and Lucy is comforting her.

We return back to the present inside the medical room.

Happy runs in...

Happy: Na-Natsu is unconscious! His body isn't moving!

Lucy: ?!


Chapter 469: あたしのしたい事 "What I want to do"


Fairy Tail 467 “Mother's Key” Summary:


Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel clash against the forces of the Alvarez Empire which have taken control of Hargeon, with both sides standing even despite the latter's overwhelming advantage in numbers. This situation soon changes as Wahl and Dimaria decide to join the fray, the former shooting a barrage of missiles at the Ishgar troops while the latter attacks Kagura. As the Valkyrie's oppressive Magical Power stifles Kagura's very senses, the female Shield of Spriggan shreds her opponent's clothes and relishes the opportunity to toy with her.

Meanwhile, in Fairy Tail's infirmary, Brandish regains consciousness after surviving the ordeal of being attacked by Marin, all thanks to Cana and Lucy's intervention, which also led to the man's capture. When Brandish wonders about her enemies' reasons for saving an enemy, she is told that she is still a useful source of information and, more importantly, unnecessary loss of life is something Fairy Tail would like to avoid. Seemingly satisfied by the response, Brandish states that she will reveal the reason for her grudge against Layla if she can hold a private dialogue with Lucy, along with having her bonds removed. Porlyusica and Cana hesitantly accept her first condition, but refuse to obey the second, the captive professing agreement.

After their audience departs, Brandish discloses her mother's identity: Grammi; a former servant of Layla. She was one of the three servants to receive one of Layla's keys of the Zodiac, becoming the owner of Aquarius' key. Devoted to her former master, she treated the memento akin to a precious artifact; however, her trust was betrayed and Layla had the woman killed in order to regain control of her key. Shocked by the tale, Lucy is unable to resist as Brandish suddenly captures her in a stranglehold and begins to throttle her life out, her vengeful as well as regretful emotions visible as tears stream down her face. Lucy is rescued from her bleak predicament by none other than Aquarius, who emerges from the water spilled from a jar which has been knocked over during the silent struggle, the mermaid claiming that she has arrived due to the mention of her key.



what do you think about ch 467?







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