Spoilers & News > Bleach Spoilers > Bleach 543 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 543 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

06.19.2013 16:27

Bleach 543 Spoilers!!! Bleach 543 Prediction and Discussions!!! Bleach 542  has been released now!!!

Bleach 542 spoiler summary:

Credit: zangestu01
Trans: Herakles

友哈巴赫开大会 向星十字骑士团介绍雨龙
Yhwach opens the assembly and introduces the new Stern Ritter Uryu Ishida.

似乎友哈巴赫选雨龙作为自己的后继者 而且代号为 A
It seems Yhwach selects Uryu as his successor and gives him a letter A.

There is a lot of confusion and controversy amongst the Knights.

Haschwalth’s codename is B.




Bleach 542 "The Blade Is Me" Summary:

Ichigo concludes that both old man fake-getsu and the hollow are Zangetsu. Back at Nimaiya's palace, Ichigo reaches into the burning hot mass that Nimaiya has been hammering. This causes a reiatsu explosion that dries up the lake around Ichigo. Once the smoke clears, Ichigo takes a look at his new zanpukto: a large cleaver in his right hand a smaller cleaver in his left hand.

Back at the Vandenreich fortress, Juha Bach holds an assembly for the Sternritters to give them some new info.

what do you think about ch 542?

Bleach 543 Spoiler Trivia : The number 15 on Ichigo’s bedroom door is both a reference to his age and a pun on his name: ichi-go can be read to mean “one-five (一五).



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Bleach 543 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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