Spoilers & News > Bleach Spoilers > Bleach 542 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 542 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

06.13.2013 09:40

Bleach 542 Spoilers!!! Bleach 542 Prediction and Discussions!!!  Bleach 541  has been released now!!!

Bleach 542 Spoiler Summaries:


Credit: T

斬月に感謝しているイチゴ 燃え盛る中に有る刀を手に取り引きぬく
周りの水が全て消える 熱と霊圧で海が干上がった斬月は二つの刀に成った
ユーハバッハのおっさん斬月と白イチゴの斬月 ありがとう斬月 あんたは俺だ 



Ichigo is thankful/grateful to Zangetsu.
From out of the blaze, he pulls out a katana with his hand.
The water surrounding completely disappears.
After the water has dried up, we see that Zangetsu has become 2 blades.
Juha Bach Ossan (Aka OMZ/Bachgetsu) and White Ichigo (Hichigo?) are present.
Thank you Zangetsu. You are me. (Anta wa ore da.)

The Sternritter Knights receive some news from Juha Bach.

Bleach 542 End.

Bleach 541 "The Blade and Me 2" Summary:

Ichigo is drawn into his inner world to take to fake Zangetsu. Ichigo demands to know what Fake-getsu is up to, and Fake-getsu explains that he is the representation of Quincy power inside of the Ichigo. Fake-getsu only allowed Ichigo to use his hollow powers in times of need because he didn't want Ichigo to become a shinigami. Fake-getsu had planned to kill Ichigo if Ichigo ever became a shinigami, but he saw how awesome Ichigo is and now decides to step back. Fake-getsu draws a sword and fades away, and his voice tells Ichigo that the sword he left behind is the real Zangetsu.


what do you think about ch 542?




Bleach 542 Spoilers Trivia: Zangetsu’s form changes drastically upon becoming Tensa Zangetsu, becoming a young man. However, when Zangetsu used Bankai in the anime during the Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Arc, his form never changes. This is likely because Tensa Zangetsu’s spirit form wasn’t introduced until after the episode was released.


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Bleach 542 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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