Spoilers & News > Bleach Spoilers > Bleach 536 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 536 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

04.23.2013 16:31

Bleach 536 Spoilers!!! Bleach 536 Prediction and Discussions!!!  Bleach 535  has been released now!!!

Bleach 536 Spoiler Summary: 



一心对一护说:你出生之后的事 你都知道了,没必要再说 但是有一件事你还不知道,就是你妈妈死去那天发生的事 她死去的真正原因



Isshin says to Ichigo: You already know what happens after you’re born, so I don’t have to tell you, but there is one thing you still don’t know, which is what happened on the day your mother died: the real reason of her death.


Trans: honeyMellon

Bleach 535 "Everything But the Rain OP.8" Summary:

Urahara introduces himself and leads Isshin and Ryuu to his store. Urahara explains the process of hollowfication and states that he can save Masaki's life, but Masaki will never be the same again. Urahara has a vaccine to stop the victims from being destroyed by the hollowfication process, but a shinigami influence is needed to keep Masaki from hollowfying. Urahara has a special gigai for Isshin that will be tied to Masaki's soul, but while Isshin in this body he will not be able to use his shinigami powers or even see hollows, and it means that Isshin will have to desert his position in Soul Society. Isshin says yes before Urahara finishes the whole explanation and he gets Urahara to start the operation.



=[]= what do you think about ch 535?

Bleach 536 Trivia : While Ryūken scorns his status as a Quincy, he appears to still acknowledge it as his hospital and tie have blue crosses all over them, an obvious reference to his Quincy heritage.


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Bleach 536 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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