Ginga Densetsu Weed

Ch.115 Smith's Mistake

Ch.000 Setting Off Ch.001 An Order from Nero Ch.002 Hesitation Ch.003 Life or Death Struggle Ch.004 Confrontation Ch.005 The State of Our Journey Ch.006 Reunion Ch.007 Mer's Resistance Ch.008 A Brother's Revenge Ch.009 An Awkward Reunion Ch.010 Paradise Destroyed Ch.011 Divine Punishment Ch.012 Rescue Ch.013 Ohu's Baptism Ch.014 Ken and Kagetora Ch.015 Friend or Foe!? Ch.016 A Beardog's Perfect Form Ch.017 Clean Sweep Order Ch.018 Confrontation with Father Ch.019 Heartless Judgement Ch.020 Monster in the Stronghold Ch.021 The True Lethal Weapon Ch.022 Awakened Blood Ch.023 Godsend Ch.024 The Legendary High Ground Ch.025 Truth of the Paradise Ch.026 Arrow of Justice Ch.027 Professional Assassins Ch.028 One Condition Ch.029 A Beardog's Howl Ch.030 Proof of a Warrior Ch.031 A Soldier's Spirit Ch.032 Ch.033 Ch.034 Ch.035 Ch.036 Ch.037 The Suicide Corps Revived Ch.038 Ch.039 Ch.040 Revival Ch.041 White Arrow Ch.042 A Dog's Duty Ch.043 Retreat Ch.044 Ch.045 Ch.046 A Pure Battle Ch.047 Ch.048 Ch.049 Waterfall of Death Ch.050 Ch.051 Ch.052 A New Struggle Ch.053 Ch.054 Ch.055 Ch.056 Ch.057 Ch.058 Father's Last Words Ch.059 The Moment Starts Ch.060 A Cause for Tears Ch.061 The Borzoi Brothers Ch.062 The Spies Ch.063 Taking as Hostage Ch.064 Recklessness Ch.065 To Live Ch.066 A Clear View Ch.067 The Only Choice Ch.068 Storm Ch.069 Back Home Ch.070 Trust Ch.071 The Return of the Lost Brother, Geogre Ch.072 A Male's Promise Ch.073 Never Changing Thoughts Ch.074 Last Wishes Ch.075 Noise from the Mountains Ch.076 The Message Ch.077 Righteous Soul Ch.078 Soul Inheritance Ch.079 A Sad Reunion Ch.080 Further Union Ch.081 Ch.082 Ch.083 Ch.084 Ch.085 Ch.086 Ch.087 Ch.088 Ch.089 Ch.090 Ch.091 Ch.092 Ch.093 Ch.094 Ch.095 Ch.096 Ch.097 Ch.098 Ch.099 Ch.100 Ch.101 Ch.102 Ch.103 Ch.104 Ch.105 Ch.106 Ch.107 Ch.108 Ch.109 Ch.110 Ch.111 A New Legend Ch.112 Destined to Fight Ch.113 Thoughts for Comrades Ch.114 Ch.115 Smith's Mistake Ch.116 Unwavering Bond Ch.117 Mole Ch.118 Proud Son Ch.119 Mountains Rumbl Ch.120 Ch.121 Ch.122 Ch.123 Ch.124 Ch.125 Ch.126 Ch.127 Ch.128 Ch.129 Ch.130 Ch.131 Ch.132 Ch.133 Ch.134 Ch.135 Ch.136 Ch.137 Ch.138 Ch.139 Ch.140 Ch.141 Ch.142 Ch.143 Ch.144 Mutsu's Soldiers Ch.145 Ch.146 Ch.147 Ch.148 Ch.149 Ch.150 Ch.151 Ch.152 Ch.153 Ch.154 Ch.155 Ch.156 Ch.157 Ch.158 Ch.159 Ch.160 Ch.161 Ch.162 Ch.163 Ch.164 Ch.165 Ch.166 Ch.167 Ch.168 Ch.169 Ch.170 Ch.171 Ch.172 Ch.173 Ch.174 Ch.175 Ch.176 Ch.177 Ch.178 Ch.179 Ch.180 Ch.181 Ch.182 Ch.183 Ch.184
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